Making Waves in Sustainability with Swimming Canada

Tracking travel emissions from attendees at the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Trials and the 2024 Speedo Canadian Swimming Championships.

Building on our successful partnership with Swimming Canada to capture & understand attendee travel emissions for the Olympic & Paralympic Trials in May 2024, we are delighted to have been invited back to support both the 2024 Speedo Canadian Swimming Championships in July 2024 and the Ken Demchuk International later in the year.


1,100+ journeys logged across both events

• The engagement rate during the Championships was 12.6%, more than double the initial 5% target.

Event attendees were directed to a Swimming Canada-branded version of the Lowr platform, which was available for logging travel before, during and after each event. The platform was promoted through event emails, social media posts, announcements, and venue posters. To incentivise participation, attendees who logged their travel had a chance to win a Speedo gift voucher.


Jocelyn Jay, Associate Director, emphasised Lowr’s importance in the long-term sustainability plans, stating:

"Swimming Canada is thrilled to partner with Lowr in our mission to reduce the carbon footprint of our national events. We view Lowr as a vital part of our sustainability strategy for the next five years and beyond.

Their support in organising communications and handling the final reporting has been invaluable. We wholeheartedly recommend Lowr to any organisation committed to leading their community toward greater sustainability."

Event attendees also shared their experiences:

“[I logged my travel] to provide the data Swim Canada is looking for in order to figure out how to reduce the carbon footprint associated with national competitions.”

Another attendee added:

“I love being able to quantify my carbon footprint. It makes me think differently about my travel options for events.

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